So we stopped by Gila bikes in Silver City today to pick up some tubes and other nick nacks. I grabbed a 4L dromedary bag since water has been pretty scarce in NM and all my other water carriers have ruptured from all the bouncing around in the panniers.
We grabbed some coffee and were just about to hit the grocery store and setup at the campsite when Daniel struck up a conversation with a fellow cyclist at the post office.
He gave us a phone number of a local biker (Jamie) who he said would probably put us up for the night. So we gave him a call and sure enough, 30 minutes later we were drinking beer and grabbing supplies for the enchilada dinner that was soon to come.
We stayed up late (11 pm) drinking and generally talking about bikes and travel.
I crashed on the futon and Daniel threw his air mattress and sleeping bag on the floor in the living room.
It also turns out that Jamie is a teacher at the local university and teaches a life skills type program that has a financial component as well as some general counseling. So hopefully I can plagiarize some of it for a similar presentation I'm working on for graduating high school seniors.
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