So I woke up at 5 am and put my hand outside the tent to see if the tires still had air in them....Flat as a pancake.
So I found one more leak. Added one more patch. Aired them both up, and started riding to see how far I could go before they went flat again.
I made it about 30 minutes. So I started a routine that every half hour I would stop, pump the tires, and eat, drink, put on sunscreen, etc.
By just after noon I hit Pie Town looking for Pie and a patch kit.
I also passed some CDT hikers (continental divide trail) about 5 miles outside Pie Town. I suggested that we hang out once the got there.
I hit Pie Town and other than two cafe's (both claiming to have the best pie in town) there was no store or patch kits. So it was looking pretty gloomy until I met Nita and Andrew. Who turned out to be my personal Saviours.
Nita had a house in town for CDT hikers and GDR bikers. She told me to grab a bed, shower, laundry, etc. And that there was ice cream and frozen shwanns meals in the freezer. Sweeeet.
Andrew had been in town for 3 days waiting on a new bike wheel and a mail package. It just turned out that she and Nita were headed to the nearest big town (80 miles) and the town had a bike shop.
So I gave Andrew $25 for 4 new tubes and a new patch kit. I went over to Nita's a.k.a. "The Toaster House" to clean up, grub down, and jam out to beatles tunes.
Numerous pics. But this place rocks.
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