Quick Climb over the pass (6400') across the border from Alberta to British Columbia. Those are called provinces. Say it with me pro-vinc-es.
50 miles of pretty moderate riding and into Elkford, BC. It's a small logging town. I managed to locate the laundry to defunk myself and found a nice campsite right by the river.
That night while making the fire I found a piece of paper in the firepit with details on a 10 mile trail on the edge of town with views of some lakes and falls. How synchronicitice.
Got up early the next morning put on my running shoes and hit the trail.
Followed that up with pancakes, bacon and eggs. The waitress also threw in a big slice of carrott cake to keep me going later in the day. How nice.
A word on Canadian hospitality. With the exception of the Canadian truck drivers, I met some very friendly people in the small Canadian towns. They did stare a bit. Not sure if it's the bike or the mohawk, but whatever.
Back to the truckers. I swear to god, they accelerate when they come past me on dirt roads to see how much dirt they can cover me with. But I'm in zen mode. So....whatever.
Wait - I'm not at all shocked at you riding 2600 miles or starting off with an interaction with a bear - but a mohawk??? Pictures please!
This is Joyce - btw
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