Greetings from Helena Montana. I'll try to get you guys caught up best I can, but I'm on a 30 minute guest pass on the library computer and picture uploading is looking doubtful as well. There is an internet cafe in town that opens tomorrow morning, so I'll finish up there and maybe get some pics out.
So after posting my last blog on September 10th, I rode out of Whitefish toward Big Fork. A pretty easy 40 miler on smooth roads.
About 5 miles out of town I caught up to another GDR rider (Great Divide Route). A bloke named Stein from England. We rode for the rest of the day together, telling stories and exchanging philosophy.
That night we hit the bar in Big Fork for a burger and a couple of beers. When we returned to our campsite, another bike was parked there. A guy riding his road bike from Eugene Oregon to Minneapolis, MN.
We stayed up into the wee hours of the night (10:30) drinking rum tea and geeking out on bike porn.
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