I arrived in Buenos Aires on Wednesday morning and headed toward the hostel. It's actually a very nice hotel in the San Telmo neighborhood. Very clean and new. Just opened in November and had great ratings on Hostelworld.
It's kindof a simple Scandanavian design. And the coffee was good. Which is a first in South America.
So for the first two days, I explored around a bit and got a couple of runs in at the nature preserve which is only about a mile from the hotel and borders the coast. Very nice running area.
On Thursday night I was out way too late, and then had to get up early to hit the airport to pick up Sally. A rough morning for sure. This town parties way too late. Typical is dinner at 11 or 12 o'clock. And the clubs finally get jumping about 3 or 4 in the morning. Most mornings we see the revelers rolling in while we are having breakfast at 8am.
So Friday we took it easy. I was hungover and Sally was jetlagged and tired from all her Dell work she had to complete prior to leaving.
But Saturday was beautiful. Cool breeze, party sunny, terrific. We spent the day exploring the parks and famous cemetary in the Recoleta district.
That night we celebrated my birthday with a great Asado (Argentine BBQ) and some birthday flan for desert. And of course, way too much wine. Which is redicuously cheap here.
So today, we will tour around a bit more and then we are catching the night bus to Mendoza to hit the wine country for a couple of days.
Wow, what a great way to spend your B-day. Happy Birthday Scott. Take care and be safe. David P
Happy Birthday Scott!
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